Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Blue Dragon

The Blue Dragon is an English manga that I was asked to translate to Japanese. You can check it out here or here. They have a Facebook page here.

Story summary:
This series is about a boy who is found frozen in ice and is found out to be from another world. He gets his powers and memories sealed by a anti-world crystal by a High elves class Scientist from Palomar named Agaron and A human General of the DAC (Deathspawn Annihilation Corp.) named Hijka Blade because he was said to be too dangerous. Having no memories the boy sets off into the city of Kyoto.
The manga staff includes:
  • Ricardo - writer
  • Irvin - artist
  • Anzai - artist
  • Luis - artist
  • Saki - editor
  • Dan - French translator
  • Me & Herzer - Japanese translator & editor

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